100% pure Wool
Our First Collaboration of Pure Wool Shawls is a special collaboration with a women's collective in Himachal Pradesh that empowers women through making sure the art of weaving continues to go strong in the Valley. This skilled labour over the years has led to the woman being an important part of the household income and giving these communities infrastructure to create a positive impact and investment into the children's education in these villages.
What I really loved about this collaborations was that this organization truly understands that's in order to be a sustainable business means creating a happy and empowered workforce, one that can stay rooted in their culture while gaining exposure from the world around them through design interventions. We as a company choose to honour each of these guiding principles equally and without compromise.
Each shawl is woven from pure soft sheeps wool. The sheeps are raised by nomadic herders and local shepherds on the Himalayan Plateau. Each spring, they begin to lose their soft wool under layer for the summer. In a process that is painless for the animals, the herders collect the loose wool and bring it to market to be crafted into shawls using centuries old craftsmanship.